Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm a Mac!

While browsing the Career Fair at the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing, I noticed a great photo opportunity.  Six Mac users sitting in a row!!  Nice coincidence.  As a fellow MacBook user, I had to stop and take a picture.  All around the conference you see a number of MacBooks in the hands of conference goers.  I remember a time when PC's were everywhere (well they still are) but these days, I see a great number of MacBooks at coffee shops, on campus, and here at the GHC.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have a handy dandy PC for some of my work; however, I LOVE MY MACBOOK!

I love how my MacBook, iPad, iPod, and iPhone (yes I'm an Apple junkie) work together in perfect harmony.  I also appreciate the "ease of use" of the Apple operating systems (Mac OS X and iOS 4). 

Mac/PC rivalries are even more brutal that the Team Jacob/Team Edward Twilight battle.  Are you a PC or are you a Mac?  If so, what made you choose a side?    


  1. I can go all day on that topic but won't ;) PC/Google is the way of life for me.

  2. I'm a PC! It's easier for me to code on a PC and Apple isn't actively supportive of the areas I'm passionate about.

  3. I'm a Mac too, we really are twins!
